How to create a customer discount Price Table
Create a new price table to automatically price products on sales orders based on customer bands
Table of Contents
Price tables - Customer band discounts
In this example we will be setting up a Base Price Discount table to automatically price my sales lines for different customer bands.
You can use the same method to create price tables for:
- Customer band cost uplift
- Customer band fixed prices
- Quantity break discounts
- Quantity break cost uplifts
- Quantity break fixed prices
- Mixed customer band and quantity breaks
Ensure you have customer bands setup <link>
How to create a Customer Discount Price Table
Navigate to the Products section and select Price Tables.
Then open the Price Tables menu on the left.
Click 3. Price Tables
Click the New button in the top left,
- In the price table popup enter a name in the Name field; for example "PVC"
- Ensure the table's Live status is live.
- Select the type as Customer Discount.
- Add a description like "Discount structure for PVC products" to provide context for the table.
By clicking the Add all customer types button, will bring in your pre-set customer bands.
If you do not want one to be part of the structure you can remove it by clicking the bin button.
Mixing calculation methods on one table
If needed, you can mix the calculation methods for different customer types in one table. For instance, a “Retail” customer might have prices based on an uplift from your cost price, while a “Web Customer” could receive a discount off the product's base price.

Once all values are entered into the price bands, click Save to complete the setup.
Adding the price table to a price structure
After saving, you'll need to assign this price table to a price structure, and then link that structure to either product categories or individual products.
With everything set up, your order lines will automatically apply the correct pricing based on the configurations you've made.